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پیوست ها
The purpose of this research study is the comparison of facial emotion expression recognition in adolescence onset conduct disorder and early onset conduct disorder. The research method was descriptive. The statistical community contains all the adolescence onset conduct disorder and early onset conduct disorder students who were studying in educational year(92-93) at Tehran schools. By targeted sampling, 30 onset conduct disorder students were selected.21 early onset conduct disorder students and 9 adolescence onset conduct disorder students were selected by child behavior checklist and teachers report forms. In order to compare the amount of facial emotion expression recognition, the researcher used Ekman and Friesen (1976).For interpretation the findings of the research study ,the researcher used the Achenbach test.The results of the study showed that there is no significant difference between adolescence onset conduct disorder in facial emotion expression recognition. In both of two groups the answerability pattern is the same.
key words: Early onset conduct disorder, Adolescence onset conduct disorder, Facial emotion expression recognition
- .antisocial personality disorder ↑
- .Hawes ↑
- .Izard ↑
- .Thibault & Hess ↑
- .Carter & Bailey ↑
- .Harnad ↑
- .Sorce ↑
- .Ashwin ↑